1 | Saturation Pressure f(T) | TP |
2 | Saturation Temperature f(P) | PT |
3 | Surface Tension f(T) | TY |
4 | Enthalpy f(P,T) | PTH |
5 | Entropy f(P,T) | PTS |
6 | Internal Energy f(P,T) | PTU |
7 | Specific Volume f(P,T) | PTV |
8 | Constant Pressure Specific Heat f(P,T) | PTCp |
9 | Constant Volume Specific Heat f(P,T) | PTCv |
10 | Speed of Sound f(P,T) | PTW |
11 | Temperature f(P,H) | PHT |
12 | Specific Entropy f(P,H) | PHS |
13 | Internal Energy f(P,H) | PHU |
14 | Specific Volume f(P,H) | PHV |
15 | Constant Pressure Specific Heat f(P,H) | PHCp |
16 | Constant Volume Specific Heat f(P,H) | PHCv |
17 | Speed of Sound f(P,H) | PHW |
18 | Quality f(P,H) | PHQ |
19 | Temperature f(P,S) | PST |
20 | Enthalpy f(P,S) | PSH |
21 | Internal Energy f(P,S) | PSU |
22 | Specific Volume f(P,S) | PSV |
23 | Constant Pressure Specific Heat f(P,S) | PSCp |
24 | Constant Volume Specific Heat f(P,S) | PSCv |
25 | Speed of Sound f(P,S) | PSW |
26 | Quality f(P,S) | PSQ |
27 | Pressure f(H,S) | HSP |
28 | Temperature f(H,S) | HST |
29 | Quality f(H,S) | HSQ |
30 | Internal Energy f(H,S) | HSU |
31 | Specific Volume f(H,S) | HSV |
32 | Constant Pressure Specific Heat f(H,S) | HSCp |
33 | Constant Volume Specific Heat f(H,S) | HSCv |
34 | Speed of Sound f(H,S) | HSW |
35 | Enthalpy f(P,Q) | PQH |
36 | Entropy f(P,Q) | PQS |
37 | Internal Energy f(P,Q) | PQU |
38 | Specific Volume f(P,Q) | PQV |
39 | Constant Pressure Specific Heat f(P,Q) | PQCp |
40 | Constant Volume Specific Heat f(P,Q) | PQCv |
41 | Enthalpy f(T,Q) | TQH |
42 | Entropy f(T,Q) | TQS |
43 | Internal Energy f(T,Q) | TQU |
44 | Specific Volume f(T,Q) | TQV |
45 | Constant Pressure Specific Heat f(T,Q) | TQCp |
46 | Constant Volume Specific Heat f(T,Q) | TQCv |
47 | Viscosity f(P,T) | PTM |
48 | Thermal Conductivity f(P,T) | PTK |