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The Basics
Primary Functions
Entropy f(P, T)
Internal Energy f(P, T)
Specific Volume f(P, T)
Speed of Sound f(H, T)
Speed of Sound f(P, T)
Constant Pressure Specific Heat f(H, S)
Constant Pressure Specific Heat f(P, H)
Constant Pressure Specific Heat f(P, S)
Constant Pressure Specific Heat f(P, T)
Constant Volume Specific Heat f(P, H)
Constant Volume Specific Heat f(P, T)
Thermal Conductivity f(P, T)
Viscosity f(P, T)
Temperature f(P, H)
Temperature f(P, S)
Entropy f(P, H)
Internal Energy f(P, H)
Internal Energy f(P, S)
Specific Volume f(P, H)
Specific Volume f(P, S)
Constant Volume Specific Heat f(H, S)
Constant Volume Specific Heat f(P, S)
Speed of Sound f(P, S)
Quality f(P, S)
Pressure f(H, S)
Temperature f(H, S)
Internal Energy f(H, S)
Specific Volume f(H, S)
Speed of Sound f(H, S)
Quality f(H, S)
Quality f(P, H)
Saturation Pressure f(T)
Saturation Temperature f(P)
Surface Tension f(T)
Enthalpy f(P, Q)
Entropy f(P, Q)
Internal Energy f(P, Q)
Specific Volume f(P, Q)
Constant Pressure Specific Heat f(P, Q)
Constant Volume Specific Heat f(P, Q)
Enthalpy f(T, Q)
Entropy f(T, Q)
Internal Energy f(T, Q)
Specific Volume f(T, Q)
Constant Pressure Specific Heat f(T, Q)
Constant Volume Specific Heat f(T, Q)
Enthalpy f(P, S)
Enthalpy f(P, T)
Derivative Functions
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Temperature at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Temperature at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Temperature at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Temperature at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Enthalpy at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Enthalpy at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Enthalpy at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Enthalpy at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Entropy at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Entropy at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Entropy at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Entropy at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Internal Energy at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Internal Energy at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Internal Energy at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Internal Energy at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Volume at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Volume at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Volume at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Pressure WRT Volume at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Pressure at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Pressure at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Pressure at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Pressure at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Enthalpy at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Enthalpy at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Enthalpy at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Enthalpy at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Entropy at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Entropy at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Entropy at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Entropy at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Internal Energy at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Internal Energy at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Internal Energy at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Internal Energy at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Volume at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Volume at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Volume at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Temperature WRT Volume at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Pressure at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Pressure at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Pressure at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Pressure at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Temperature at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Temperature at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Temperature at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Temperature at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Entropy at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Entropy at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Entropy at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Entropy at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Internal Energy at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Internal Energy at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Internal Energy at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Internal Energy at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Volume at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Volume at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Volume at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Enthalpy WRT Volume at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Pressure at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Pressure at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Pressure at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Pressure at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Temperature at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Temperature at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Temperature at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Temperature at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Enthalpy at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Enthalpy at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Enthalpy at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Enthalpy at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Internal Energy at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Internal Energy at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Internal Energy at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Internal Energy at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Volume at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Volume at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Volume at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Entropy WRT Volume at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Pressure at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Pressure at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Pressure at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Pressure at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Temperature at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Temperature at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Temperature at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Temperature at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Enthalpy at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Enthalpy at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Enthalpy at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Enthalpy at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Entropy at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Entropy at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Entropy at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Entropy at Constant Volume f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Volume at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Volume at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Volume at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Internal Energy WRT Volume at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Pressure at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Pressure at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Pressure at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Pressure at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Temperature at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Temperature at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Temperature at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Temperature at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Enthalpy at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Enthalpy at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Enthalpy at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Enthalpy at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Entropy at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Entropy at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Entropy at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Entropy at Constant Internal Energy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Internal Energy at Constant Pressure f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Internal Energy at Constant Temperature f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Internal Energy at Constant Enthalpy f(P, T)
Partial Derivative of Volume WRT Internal Energy at Constant Entropy f(P, T)
Mollier (Entropy/Enthalpy) Diagram
Temperature/Entropy Diagram
Temperature/Volume Diagram
Evaporative Cooling
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